Wisconsin Needs A Moral Compass

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Top of The Top Ten Worst Governors

Well, I can't say I was shocked really but it was something to see. The headlines at AlterNet.org listed Koch Bros. funded and backed, collective bargaining hatchet man Scott Walker as the top of the Top Ten Worst Governors in the United States. I'm sorry - the actual article title was The 10 Scariest GOP Governors: Bringing a Radical Right-Wing Agenda to a State Near You . Still, worst is about the same isn't it? And Scott W is at the top of the list. Groan. We all knew it was bad but taking top place for scariest? That is really awful. Here's some of what AlterNet had to say about Mr. Walker:

"Without Walker, public sector unions wouldn't have become a rallying cry for the left, that's for sure. But he picked the wrong fight in a state with a proud history of organized labor—a state that teaches labor history in the public schools."

Damn skippy!

"Still, the bill passed, Walker's still in charge, and he's been taking aim at those who could defeat him. He got his way with a vicious voter ID bill and his budget cuts hit everything from the state university to the public schools to the state's health care program, one of the best in the country. He targeted rural broadband, people with disabilities and reproductive health care, and he's even messing with craft beer. (He really should know better on that one, but it seems there isn't a fight Walker's unwilling to pick.)"

Does the term "thug" come to mind?

AlterNet went on to say in regards to all ten of the scary governors:

"These governors all have some things in common. Most of them were elected in 2010 while progressive turnout was depressed and conservative anger, particularly the virulent anti-government type springing from the Tea Party movement, spilled over at the polls. Many of them took over swing states from Democratic administrations. Most of them did not run on promises to take away collective bargaining from workers, slash pensions and health care and outlaw abortion. Instead, they focused on jobs—and, admittedly, their own solution to creating jobs, which is, of course, cutting taxes.

A year or more into their terms, taxes have been cut, the wealthy are doing fine, and working people, particularly immigrants and women, are struggling. The promises of jobs have given way to Shock Doctrine-style cuts, attacks on unions, public services, and voting rights. Since it can be hard to keep up with the moves by different governors around the country, we've compiled a list of the 10 scariest GOP governors and their proposals."

The article asks what's next? Yeah, a good question. I guess the term scary is right on when it comes to these power-backed, big money-supported, guillotine-wielding people. My suggestion is to get some good sunscreen, a nice broad-brimmed hat and a stainless steel water bottle just in case we need to pour out in to the streets again (or continually) and make our loud common voices heard. No guarantees just solidarity. And that is what makes community resilient. When We The Common People join together and speak truth to power we find our common courage and our strength to confront the powers and principalities.

Power To All The Common People!

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