Wisconsin Needs A Moral Compass

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

and another thing.......

You know how it is when you're on a roll? You keep thinking of things you wished you'd said. Well, Mr. Walker, I can't be quiet and I want to share my further thoughts with you because I'm on a roll today. This kind of thing happens to We The Common People when we're riled up, frustrated, angry and downright pissed off. So, here I go. Hang on to your political pantyhose Mr. Walker.

I was on the bus in my community this morning when this occurred to me. I ride the mass transit in my town in southern Wisconsin, Mr. Walker, because I feel it is a responsible thing to do. You, on the other hand, have killed off the possibility of state citizens like myself being able to take advantage of new developments in mass transportation when you murdered the train. Nice move. When hundreds of cities across America are excited about expanding their mass transit services to their citizens for all kinds of sound reasons, you kill ours in Wisconsin. Duh.

At any rate, I was on one of the city buses when I thought about the threatened cuts to support systems like Medicaid. Our own Paul Ryan is the hatchet artist on this plan. Do you know if he has a grandmother or an aunt Mr. Walker? I just wondered. My husband does. He has a 96-year old aunt who is currently living in a nursing home here in Wisconsin. She lived in her own home until a couple years ago when it was dangerous for her to be there and because there were not enough hours in the day that could be covered by community programs and because the minimal amount of family was not equipped to handle her health and physical needs. She worked all her life Mr. Walker as a waitress. She paid her own bills, took good care of her home, never asked for anything from anyone. She has been fortunate not to need extended medical care but the small amount she has had to avail herself of she has paid for herself. She has taken out bonds and insurance policies. She is a voting member of the public and has never been a shirker. She would be horrified if someone referred to her as a "welfare queen" because she isn't working now and is living in the nursing home on Medicaid. Her bootstraps only lasted so long, sorry about that.

My question, Mr. Walker, is what will you, et al, do with my husband's aunt if you and all the Ryan's and others of like minds decide to kill Medicaid (Medicare too is on your guillotine I know)? Will you have someone wheel her out on the driveway at the nursing home? Will she be told she needs to pull up her bootstraps? Will she be able to take the few things she has at the nursing home with her or will those be liquidated to help pay for care while she was a resident? I have figured out that it doesn't matter to Paul Ryan or to you that our family doesn't have the resources or the space to care for her, you just want to remove all these free loaders from the balance sheets.

So, I was just wondering what will become of my husband's 96-year old aunt who surely is taking advantage of everyone else and sucking dry the state coffers in her tiny room with one window. I know it's tough on you, Mr. Walker, but someone has to man up and drop the blade on the elderly, the handicapped, the sick and the veterans. Just don't think of it as your mother or grandmother or aunt because that makes it so much more human and so much more real.

Power To All People!

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