Wisconsin Needs A Moral Compass

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dear Mr. Walker.......

Open letter to the Governor of Wisconsin from a constituent.

I am writing from a community in southern Wisconsin. We pay attention to things down here just like our brothers and sisters all over the state. We've been paying attention since February 11th when the young folks in Madison decided to support their educators by going in to the streets and shouting about fair play, honest wages, and how angry they were that you were going to take away their teachers collective bargaining rights and the collective bargaining rights of many other public employees. We've been paying attention since thousands of us traveled to Madison to protest your night time flights of fantasy, your under-handed and under-the-table deals and the knowledge of who actually pulls your strings.

We're still paying attention. How do I know this, Mr. Walker? Because I see more and more signs in the windows of homes in the community in which I live, more bumper stickers, more yard signs declaring RECALL WALKER! I have one in my window, too. That is not a surprise to me but my question is, is it a surprise to you? And if it is something of a surprise, why would that be true? Oh, I know, you probably think we're all a bit simple-minded out here in Common Middle Class Land or what will be left of it when you're done. I know, we liberals/progressives are just daft when it comes to finances and budgets and support structures. We can't be depended on to guide the ship of state with a steady hand on the tiller. We'd sail off the edge of the known world with all our silly social programs trailing along behind us. We don't have the backbone to dish out the tough love you and your cohorts do to rein in this out-of-control nearly bankrupt state. Thank goodness you are here to save us!

Anyway, that's what I imagine you are thinking. I might be way off in left field though. You might not be thinking anything of the sort. You might be thinking that concealed carry is just the ticket or that ending collective bargaining is Just In Time political maneuvering ala others of your kind across the U.S. or that Judge Prosser simply has a bit of a temper but otherwise is a peach of a fellow or that Paul Ryan's draconian plans for state and federal support services are nothing but line items in the war on the middle class which was overdue according to you and others of your kind.

That's what I imagine. Because, Mr. Walker, I can't imagine a person who has the best interests of the people of his state at heart doing even one of the things you have done since you have been in office in Wisconsin. Because, Mr. Walker, I think you are in the pocket of the Koch Bros., and who knows who else and they make or break your agenda. Because I think the office of the governor of Wisconsin has been bought by Big Business and you are the Big Business hired gun.

The other day a patient with whom I visited told me she had moved from Wisconsin to Illinois. When I asked her why she told me that Wisconsin is going down the tubes, that it isn't friendly to regular people and that it is becoming a state of governmental outlaws. Are you an outlaw Mr. Walker? Is Scott Fitzgerald an outlaw? Do you work for the Koch Boys, the wealthy ranchers who own everything and everyone and hire people like you to do their dirty work? Is Wisconsin returning to the days of the Wild West?

I can only say beware the pitch forks and torches, Mr. Walker. When the citizens lose so much that they can barely subsist, there may be more marches and more protests. Civil unrest is a mighty thing to be responsible for, Mr. Walker.

I remain in solidarity with the Common People just like me.

Power to All the People!

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