Wisconsin Needs A Moral Compass

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Floods, Judge and Fires Out West

Enquiring minds in Wisconsin want to know why David Prosser is still a judge. I sure do! This today from One Wisconsin Now.

"According to media reports, this latest action and possible assault by Prosser took place as Prosser was concocting the majority opinion as the deciding vote allowing Gov. Scott Walker's attack on 175,000 Wisconsin workers.

Prosser has time and again dismissed his unhinged behavior. The corporate speculators and right wing special interests like Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, the Koch brothers and the Republicans that bankrolled his re-election dismiss his conduct. Why? Because time and again, Prosser is the deciding vote on the court to uphold their damaging agenda and endorse the reckless lawlessness of actions like Scott Fitzgerald's open meeting law violation to pass Walker's anti-collective bargaining scheme."

Prosser should never have been elected in the first place, should never have made it through the recount and now must be forced to resign. There are many places calling for his resignation today. Google 'Prosser resignation' and see what pops up. Sign something calling for his ouster or call your representative and tell them how angry you are that a sitting judge in Wisconsin can behave as if he were a character in the movie Anger Management! What's disgusting? Prosser's disgusting!!!

I just read a blurb on Rep. Ryan - you know, the guy who has the knives out for all social support structures in Wisconsin? Well, turns out he's also a guy who doesn't believe the planet is suffering a fever. He won't buy the science which for decades now has been warning us that our climate (not ever to be confused with local weather events by themselves like a deluge in one community but not in one next door)is changing and rapidly. He also gets a puckered face when the science mentions that homo sapiens is largely to blame for the rising temperatures, violent storms, terrible fires and developing and widening droughts as consequences of our addiction to fossil fuels. Just doesn't sit well with him.

Paul Ryan is also one of the many climate deniers in Congress who are refusing to allow the USDA to make broad plans to protect our food supply. Because he doesn't agree with the vetted science and/or because he just can't believe we humans have had any part to play in the scenario, he's going to endanger the people of our country by refusing to make contingency plans.

And why do we need these? Have you read the news? Drought in Texas, fires raging in Arizona, tornadoes in the Midwest and Southeast, floods in the heartland. The Missouri River is threatening two nuclear power plants near Omaha, Nebraska. The Mississippi River just wrecked havoc up and down most of its length, the Souris River in North Dakota is causing major damage and loss of property and crops. And this Wisconsin representative is not willing to support a plan to protect our food sources.

What kind of people are these? I am stunned at the unwillingness on the part of these angry judges and ultra right wing representatives to step aside from their personal issues and support the common good. Are We The People just so much bother to them? Are We The People just a sub category to their "real" work? If that is even close to true then not only are we in trouble but we had better get extra busy changing that!

I added the above photo some weeks ago and titled it Looking for Wisconsin's Moral Compass. I was going to change it but today - I think I'll keep it 'cause it sure looks like we're in desperate need of one more than ever!

Pray for the living and fight like hell for our freedoms!
Power To All The Common People!

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